Hey, I’m Coley
Mommy + Blogger
I am a suburban girl through and through, born and raised in the Chicagoland suburbs. I have a science background but somehow ended up in finance. I am a proud wife of the guy I originally scared off in our freshman Chemistry lab. Together, we made two beautiful girls that keep us very busy. I am currently navigating life as a stay-at-home mommy of a toddler and a baby; and like every mom that ever lived, I am learning as I go.
Raising kids is hard work. What makes it even harder is trying to sift through the endless amount of information you are given. This is why I created Coley’s Table. I wanted to create a blog that would provide parents the information they needed. If I do not have the answers, I will provide resources that do (hopefully). From tummy time to the benefits of having your toddler help with chores, I want to discuss it all. I also want to help you when it comes to some of the best products that have worked for our family.
In the end, I will have my opinions and so will you so please feel free to share what has worked for your little one(s) or if you have a request on a product review. Plus, my “Mommy-ing” section will provide tips for parenthood survival.
Parenting is hard but we will all make it through. I am here for you mama (or dada or caregiver)!
We are in this together,

We are born of love; love is our mother